Top ways to pickup Estonian and Russian girls

If you’re a worldly person, it can easily happen that you’ll meet a nice Estonian girl and try to get acquainted. How to date them if you already have an experience with Russian girls?
How to do that with some more guarantee for happy ending and what you have to know before you initiate your communication? Find out below since our dating experts can’t wait to share it.
You’ll quickly find that Estonian women are very independent and successful. So much that they are nearly losing their femininity. It never happens with Russian girls, by the way.
Sometimes it’s seen from the outside and sometimes only on the inside, but you should be prepared for that. Only German women are more independent than Baltic nationalities.
Business mind, direct talk, and very confident behaviour are typical for them. Of course, it also depends on where the girl lives. But the capital, Tallinn is one of the most expensive cities.
It’s impossible to rely on a man only as a provider, in such demanding environments. Plus, Estonian women are also the female warriors and even "Vikings” by their mentality.
They are in a constant need of the taste of the victory! The career is more important for them than a classical family and they treat a man accordingly. At the same time, they flirt a lot.
Estonians are using their spare time to the maximum and they’re extremely straightforward when they need sex. So you may find exactly what you need here if you’re after hookups.
As you know, Russian women don’t like to be that direct. They prefer gallant and romantic communication before you two get intimate. It’s a difference of mentalities.
Smaller cities and the villages in Estonia are more traditional. The women here are great helpers to their husbands in a male business such as fishing, hunting, or construction.
Which doesn’t make them very feminine either. Young girls aren’t free from the responsibilities as well. In such big domesticities, they are helping a lot and also looking after the kids.
But at the same time, their constant tiredness is opening big opportunities. You can relax together if you show them you’re safe and generous – but be prepared that they will be limited in time.
You should not worry about the topics for your conversation. Both categories of Estonian women we described are too busy for the talks. Their mind is focused either on a survival or a great success.
They are surprisingly indifferent to their history, culture, literature, or pop-culture. They live a fairly simple life just working and having some beer with friends when too tired of routine.
Neither of them is too refined or sophisticated, but on a good side, they’re rarely nosy or snobby. They just mind their needs and go for that. Sometimes these needs can coincide to yours.
In this case, don’t hesitate! Estonian women like frank confessions and even sex offers. However, don’t mix the direct sex offer with something that can be interpreted as an assault.
Estonia is a highly civilized country where all the citizens, especially women, are juridically protected. Be careful with your courtship especially when it comes to business sharks and rich daughters.
If you’re in a big city, try to discover her basic biography first. This way, you will not get into trouble. You can be less careful in Russia though, since they are tolerant to everything.

Sex in Estonia and Russia, main differences

Coming back to the good things, what do they like in sex? Simple women from smaller towns definitely prefer rough sex in any place far from their family members’ eyes.
Prosperous women from big cities may have various demands and fantasies and even pay for making them real. So if "sugar mommas” don’t turn you on, better reject these financial deals.
If you’re lucky to find someone with common likes and values in Norway, you will see it’s very easy and relieving to date a Estonian girl. That is indeed an equal partner who is not into the scam.
It will be a sincere and straight-forward buddy in a skirt who never makes drama, can watch football with you and drive you home if you got drunk this evening. They are always ready for sex.
It concerns all kinds of fun unless the deadlines at work are too tough. This kind of communication, although not very romantic, leaves you enough time and personal space.
That is very convenient for developing your own business or meeting friends. All these nuances are rather pleasant and easy to appreciate, so be sure to catch a Estonian girl in her spare time.
Of course, you can search on Estonian dating apps but you can also travel there directly and take your chance. It’s easy to get acquainted with the girls at nightclubs, for example.
Unlike Russian girls, they are raised in the atmosphere of respect and equality, so they will gladly help you if you ask them any question, without being preoccupied or suspicious.

How to cross the friendship line with Estonian girls?

By the way, the majority of Estonian ladies speak very good English. Men often complain it’s not the case in Russia where girls need additional English lessons and they study slowly.
Russian women are focused on eventual marriage, but Estonian girls aren’t. They keep your relationship on a friendship level as long as they can, even if it’s already friendship with benefits.
That’s why you cannot really court them. If you try, it will look weird like you’re not on your place. But just remember there are different kinds of courtship in Eastern Europe.
If you try to please her like you please your male friends, she’ll be more than happy. Offer her tickets for a football game, take her to fish out of the city, buy her a bottle of some exclusive wine.
Sometimes it’s just killing to see how a hot and hyper-sexy Estonian blonde takes you for an average pedestrian, tourist, or a buddy, instead of melting under your charm.
But don’t be discouraged. In reality, Baltic girls notice your charm but they are well-balanced and relaxed. If she notices your male interest and decides she likes you too, she will go further.
Friendship comes first at all stages of your relationship. Always try to see yourself from the distance and be honest to yourself: you wouldn’t control and stress your friends on every step, right?
So why are you doing this with her? When you meet Estonian, behave politely and don’t mind stereotypes you used to follow in other cultures. Just be yourself and enjoy every moment of communication.
If you do, your Estonian girl will consider you special. It actually works in Russia too, and can be called typical for female mentality so use this little secret in your Eastern European dating.
Normally, Estonian girls aren’t too timid or too religious to make you wait for the first night after marriage. They are very open-minded in matters of sex although quite selective.
Infidelity isn’t typical for them and they have stricter moral values than some of American or European women. They do not remain faithful for a partner’s sake, but for their own sake.
It’s because they highly appreciate their inner harmony and peace. Also Estonian girls prefer sex to be based on such reasonable things as good interconnection, mutual trust, common plans.
Russian women are less rational and more spontaneous, they are famous for their emotional nature and ability to fall in love at first sight. So it’s your choice where to date and hookup.
