The most desirable women on Earth are in Russia?

Meeting a foreigner became a typical aim for Russian women who feel too limited by their local conditions, in all senses. They do search intensively for a western or European partner.
Are foreign men interested in them too? Yes, always! It’s really hard to find such a natural beauty combined with wonderful inner values and genuine sexiness, out of Eastern Europe.
It’s really impressive that every second girl in Russia looks like a top model, while others are naturally good-looking and feminine too. Quite a rarity in a modern world full of transgender women.
Along with those super qualities, Russian women are surprisingly humble and down-to-earth. Men who call some of them gold-diggers, just didn’t compare their normal needs to western girls’ appetites.
Today, just like before, it can be said that Russian brides or lovers are the very best option for western men who missed warm human relationships and a true connection with a partner.
It’s a big physical relief and a keen pleasure to be touching their sexy, feminine, well-groomed bodies, to be loved and cherished by them, and surely to fully satisfy each other.
Moreover, dating in Russia is fairly inexpensive and affordable even for a middle class man. Airline tickets are surely expensive, but all the rest is incomparable to western prices.
All these practical and romantic reasons make foreign men seek Russian girls’ companionship, but where to find them? Are there reliable dating apps and sites?

Top Russian apps for hookup and more

Since women in Russia are intellectual and cautious, they chose dating apps wisely. Those should be well-designed and efficient platforms that don’t let people down.
Dating experts have composed the list of such platforms basing on Russian women’s answers and opinions expressed on open sources. Here are top applications for meeting them online.

No. 3. Mamba

Everyone in Russia is on Mamba! All ages and social groups are presented there. It’s a free dating site so no wonder westerners love using it too. There are many gorgeous women on Mamba.
Like all free dating platforms, it has disadvantages such as a big number of scammers and inactive profiles, no one is weeding them out. But still, one can find a match very quickly.

No. 2. LovePlanet

Every second single in Russia and Ukraine is using LovePlanet dating app. It’s simply too popular to ignore it. It can be partially used for free, but all bonus features are inexpensive too.
Just like on Mamba, one has to get ready to compete with local men there, and not all girls are focused exactly on foreigners. But it’s highly possible to find a nice woman and set up a meeting.

No. 1. Brilic

Brilic app has became sensational due to its high effectiveness, innovative features, friendly design and usability. It actually grew rated as high as long-time famous elite dating apps.
The thing is that one receives the best service without spending months waiting for his turn to be registered, and the platform covers a big number of girls thanks to being free for female users.

How to communicate with Russian girls online?

There are many tutorials on talking with Russian women online, but they often enlighten only one particular side of the communication. For example, physical seducing only.
The thing is that a woman’s excitement always consists of many factors such as mutual attractiveness, being confident in a man’s motives, the feeling of safety, and so on.
Although Russian girls are highly determined to meet a westerner, and many of them are wise enough to ignore and forgive his flaws or wrong steps, they do have their stop-words.
First of all, they do not accept impoliteness when they are treated like sex objects from the very beginning. Don’t forget Russian women have the strongest sense of dignity.
Men who had the opposite experience in Russia, most probably, dealt with escort professionals, webcam girls, chronic daters and fraudsters, or just the cheapest kind of sugar babies.
While genuine women greatly prevail in Russia, and they do behave proudly, in a good meaning. They are nice one-man women who don’t want to be cheaply objectivised.
The best way is to show the maximum of romance and carefulness, even if it’s not completely natural for you. It’s courtship, even if it’s online chatting not the offline date.
Luckily, modern Russian girls aren’t as old-fashioned as their moms were. A few gentle words is sometimes enough to attract their attention, and asking about their family members wins all.
But you should think about your own comfort and needs as well, not only about a girl’s comfort and reaction. Always make sure she is ready to meet you in real, not just online.
Don’t be shy to ask direct questions, like where she prefers to meet, how far it is from her home, which hotel she suggests to you, and what plan she has for your common weekend.
Judging from a Russian woman’s answer, you will be able to analyze whether she is worthy of your time and efforts, and create a nice scenario of your romantic trip to Moscow.

Dating a Russian girl in her hometown

Many westerners wonder how to behave in Russia correctly to be seen positively by your girl and people around. It’s less scary on a practice than it is in theory, so get prepared.
• Russian people perceive a big age gap friendly, so if that is the issue, relax and enjoy.
• There’s no ethical police in Russia like in Belarus, so even a tourist feels ok there.
• Only a few restaurants and nightclubs demand a dress code, others don’t care.
• Russian men aren’t too competitive or aggressive towards foreigners, so no stress.
• Flowers will always be highly welcomed and appreciated, so don’t skip that part.
• If you date an educated girl with a good salary, she may contribute in the meal cost.
• People in Moscow are usually terribly busy, so use Google maps instead of asking.
• If a girl is taller than you, no one will mock you, and she will be ok with that too.
• Any woman always expects you to ask about her parents’ and kid’s well-being.
• Russian women are great listeners but it’s better not to fall into long complaints.
• Only if there’s chemistry and some alcohol, fast sex is possible on the first date.
• Russian girls don’t mind to hold their hand or kiss their cheek in public, not more.
• Women prefer little trips and sightseeing to sitting at the same next-corner cafe.
• Girls usually drink some good wine or champagne not beer or vodka.
• Russian women like a gallant attitude but they’re great caretakers, too.
Basically, dating in Russian cities is easier and more relieving than in the west. Girls are in general sweet and well-behaved, it’s a pleasure to take them out and have them around.
If it’s summer time, make sure to organize some outdoor activities together since they are very favourable for romance and intimacy, even if you’re still strangers to each other.
Even in winter, you can go skiing or ice skating together and have your first kiss there. Otherwise, chose a candlelight dinner or a cool nightclub, it works perfectly as well.
